The Germline-Somatic Interaction in Young-Onset Lung Cancer

This grant was funded in part by Lung Cancer Initiative
Jaclyn LoPiccolo, MD, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Although the average age at diagnosis is 70, thousands of new patients under 45 are diagnosed with lung cancer every year, most of whom have never smoked.  Dr. LoPiccolo hypothesizes that these patients may share inherited genetic changes that predispose them to developing lung cancer at a younger age.  In a preliminary analysis of young-onset lung cancer patients, Dr. LoPiccolo has found that approximately 30% of these patients carry rare mutations in known cancer-associated genes.  In this study, Dr. LoPiccolo will investigate whether these mutations affect response to targeted or immune-based therapies.  This insight is likely to identify risk factors among young lung cancer patients, which could lead to improved screening and treatment options for this population.