Molecular profile or molecular testing

Laboratory tests that help decide course of treatment 

Folate-related biomarkers as predictors of response to pemetrexed therapy

Alexander Steven Whitehead, DPhil
University of Pennsylvania

Pemetrexed is a chemotherapy drug commonly used for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. The drug blocks two proteins called DHFR and TS that cancer cells need to grow. Not all patients respond to pemetrexed. Dr. Alexander Whitehead is studying how changes in the DHFR and TS genes predict response of non-small cell lung cancer patients to pemetrexed.

Predictive blood-based markers of response to VEGF inhibitors in NSCLC

A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation
John V. Heymach, MD, PhD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
David Carbone, MD, PhD
The Ohio State University

Cancer cells make chemicals that attract blood vessels. This process is known as angiogenesis. Drugs that inhibit angiogenesis are already being used to treat lung cancer patients. Unfortunately, not all patients respond to angiogenesis inhibitors. Dr. John Heymach is studying what determines whether a patient will respond.

Identifying Tumor Genomic Changes in Lung Cancers

This grant was funded in part by Upstage Lung Cancer
Rebecca Heist, MD, MPH
Massachusetts General Hospital
Anthony Iafrate, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
William Pao, MD, PhD
Vanderbilt University

Targeted therapies have shown great promise. However, up to 40% of patients with lung cancer do not test positive for a known target. Dr. Rebecca Heist is studying this group of patients and using DNA sequencing technology to identify novel targets for treatment.

Examining LKB1 status as a biomarker for response of lung cancer to metformin

Edward Gabrielson, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Metformin is an FDA-approved drug for the treatment of diabetes. Dr. Edward Gabrielson and his colleagues have found that a gene called LKB1 is altered in 40% of lung cancer patients. He is studying whether lung cancer cells with mutations in LKB1 are sensitive to metformin. His ultimate goal is to use an already-approved drug for the treatment of LKB1-positive lung cancers.

Biomarkers for personalizing adjuvant therapy in NSCLC – increasing cures

David P. Carbone, MD, PhD
The Ohio State University
John Minna, MD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Ignacio Wistuba, MD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Patients with stage I and II lung cancer usually undergo surgery to treat their cancer. Sometimes, the cancer comes back. Using chemotherapy with surgery can prevent the cancer’s return. Dr. Carbone is studying how we can identify which stage I and II patients may benefit from chemotherapy.

Biomarkers to improve clinical assessment of indeterminate lung nodules

York Miller, MD
University of Colorado Denver, AMC and DC
Wilbur Franklin, MD
University of Colorado Denver, AMC and DC
Kavita Garg, MD
University of Colorado Denver, AMC and DC

Computed tomography (CT) has a high false-positive rate. Less than 5% of people with nodules found through CT actually have lung cancer. Cells from benign nodules differ from malignant ones in two ways: they have a normal number of chromosomes and they make the same proteins as normal lung cells. Dr. York Miller is taking advantage of these differences. His team is developing a sputum-based test to determine whether a nodule is malignant or benign. The test will help decide whether the nodule requires follow-up.

Identifying germline risk mutations for early-onset and familial NSCLC

Zeynep H. Gümüş, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York
Steven M. Lipkin, MD, PhD
Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York
Kenneth Offit, MD, MPH
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York
Each year, more than 22,000 people who have never smoked are diagnosed with lung cancer, many at younger ages. Dr. Gümüş and team will identify underlying genes that could indicate a higher risk of developing lung cancer, similar to what has been found with certain forms of breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers. People who carry the high-risk genes could then be monitored more carefully.

In-vivo and in-vitro diagnostics to improve lung cancer care

Viswam S. Nair, MD
Stanford University

Dr. Nair is developing a blood test to help determine whether a pulmonary nodule seen on a PET-scan imaging screen is cancerous. The goal of this test, which will make use of circulating molecular biomarkers, is to accurately determine which patients are most likely to have lung cancer and, therefore, should have biopsies or surgery.


Molecular predictors of outcome in non-small cell lung cancer

Christopher A. Maher, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis

Dr. Maher is working to improve on the accuracy and usability of tests that identify lung cancer patients who are likely to relapse. He is using next-generation sequencing techniques to develop a signature set of key genetic changes  and convert it to a clinical test that will be able to predict who is at high risk for relapse.


Biomarkers of pre-malignant disease progression for lung cancer detection

Jennifer Beane, PhD
Boston University
Dr. Beane will characterize how RNA expression in normal airway epithelial cells is affected by the presence of precancerous lesions and identify changes that predict if the lesions will become malignant or return to normal. Identifying these key molecular changes will contribute to early detection and possible chemo-prevention of lung cancer in high risk patients.