Notch signaling

A signaling pathway that is active in lung cancer and confers a proliferative advantage to cancer cells

Targeting Gamma-Secretase and the Notch Pathway in Lung Cancer

Funded equally by LUNGevity Foundation and American Lung Association National Office
Thao Dang, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Dr. Dang is studying the anti-tumor effect of gamma-secretases inhibitors, compounds that inhibit activation of the Notch pathway that is active in lung cancer cells. She is studying its effect both alone and in combination with traditional chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

Notch signaling regulates lung cancer

Funded by LUNGevity Foundation and Arkansas Respiratory Health Association, Breathe California of Los Angeles County, Breathe California of the Bay Area, Breathe New Hampshire, and Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago
Navdeep Chandel, PhD
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University

Dr. Chandel is working to identify novel pathways underlying KRAS-driven lung cancer. He is testing two pathways, to determine how mitochondria (powerhouses of the cell) and Notch signaling (a pathway often activated in lung cancer that relays information from outside the cell to inside) behave differently in cancer and non-cancer cells.