When Hope Happens

Katie Brown

LUNGevity kicks off Lung Cancer HOPE Month (May) each year with the largest gathering of lung cancer patients and lung cancer caregivers in the country at our National HOPE Summit conference. This year our event was held April 27-29, and it did not disappoint!

This conference is a one-of-a-kind lung cancer survivorship weekend for newly diagnosed patients to seasoned survivor-advocates. We also hold an advocates meeting and a COPE Summit track for lung cancer caregivers to provide advocacy opportunities, best practices, caregiving resources, and psychosocial and peer support.

The three-day weekend was life-changing for many! Patients were able to talk openly about having lung cancer—some for the very first time. They discussed treatment-related side effects, emotional and social issues, and stigmas and misconceptions surrounding the disease. They also had the opportunity to connect with long-time lung cancer survivors and celebrate life and new friendships during the reception and off-site activities. The entire weekend was packed with presentations, speakers, panelists, and experts.

Speakers came from across the country to provide information and offer educational presentations. They spoke about hopeful developments in lung cancer treatment options and new research developments, and each expert interacted one on one with the attendees during the Lung Cancer Café.

Adam Klein, winner of CBS’s "Survivor," lost his mom to lung cancer. He encouraged participants to use their voices to make a difference in the fight against lung cancer and to live large “like Susie” (his mom) did. Sung Poblete, CEO of Stand Up To Cancer, presented information on the research that SU2C is involved in and their partnership with LUNGevity; experts from NCCN, NIH/NCI, Cancer and Careers, Savor Health, Mass General, Colorado Cancer Center, Center for Palliative Care, Center for Proton Therapy, About.com, Team Draft, survivor-experts, and caregiver-experts all gave compelling talks and presentations.

This event is definitely one of my favorite events of the year. It’s breathtaking seeing and spending three full days with so many survivors and co-survivors. Our staff leave reenergized and even more dedicated to working hard to create a world where no on dies of lung cancer. There is absolutely nothing else like our HOPE Summit conference!

If you were not able to attend the 2018 conference, there are one-day regional events and Lunch and Learns across the country that also offer information and hope for patients and caregivers. Check our website for locations and dates.

Dates for the 2019 event will be announced soon!

Attendees at HOPE Summit 2018

Here are some quotes from first-time attendees showing that lives can change when hope happens!

 I'd like to say a Special Thank you to LUNGevity for arranging such an awesome weekend for my husband and I. I received a lot of information, came in contact with such wonderful people. I just wanted to hug every single person there. To all my Warrior Sisters & Brothers we must Never Lose HOPE!! I Pray for Safe Travels on your way home, See ya Next Year!!—Angela C.

It was really an honor to attend and meet so many brave survivors.  If there is any way I can support the organization in the future I would be happy to be more involved. Thanks very much!—Dr. S

One of the most amazing trips of my life. Fun friendly loving people. Organized to perfection. I hope and pray I can go to more.—Donna P.

I left this conference better educated about cancer as well as having an uplifted spirit.  When you hear other stories you have the sense that there are a lot of us in the survival struggle.—Juanita A.

Woke up kind of sad today, knowing i wasn’t going to see all of you. I had such a great time at hope summit. I learned so many things, and walked away with a bunch of new friends. I definitely plan to go again!!! Thank you to everyone for being so supportive! There were far too many to name, but every one of you inspired me!!!!—Shanna W.

Katie BrownKatie Brown is LUNGevity's Vice President of Support and Survivorship.

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